Starting in 2019 patients in Germany will consult with an artificial intelligence. The Techniker Krankenkasse is using the App from Ada Health.
Medical advise at your fingertips 24/7. Ada Health is offering this service in Germany for over a year now. With integration of Ada Health into the Techniker Krankenkasse’s own “TK-Doc” App, the symptom assessment technology from the the start-up based in Berlin is becoming part of the German health care system.
In an interview style Ada will collect information about all symptoms. This process in not unlike a face-to-face conversation a GP would have with a patient. Once completed Ada will propose possible causes for the described symptoms and recommends the consultation of a GP if needed. The app AI accesses a knowledge base of thousands of illnesses and symptoms and the underlying medical network is being updated all the time.
Until know user where on their own to assess the final recommendation provided by the App. With the integration into the Techniker Krankenkasse’s “TK-Doc” App, users will now have the option to directly consult a health care professional via telephone, per Email or via Text or Video Chat via the contact centre. The approach gives an indication what directing further developments might take providing alternative access to community care.